· Sachiv Paruchuri · Career  · 4 min read

Why Every Software Engineer Needs a Brag List

Ever felt like your career achievements are slipping through the cracks? As a software engineer, a brag list can help you keep track of your accomplishments, boost your confidence, and showcase your skills to future employers. Learn why you should start one today!

Ever felt like your career achievements are slipping through the cracks? As a software engineer, a brag list can help you keep track of your accomplishments, boost your confidence, and showcase your skills to future employers. Learn why you should start one today!

Ever felt like your career achievements are slipping through the cracks? As a software engineer, a brag list can help you keep track of your accomplishments, boost your confidence, and showcase your skills to future employers. Learn why you should start one today!

What is a Brag List?

A brag list is essentially a record of your professional achievements, big or small. It’s a detailed log of every success, every milestone, and every noteworthy contribution you’ve made in your career. Think of it as your personal highlight reel.

Why You Need a Brag List

1. Boosts Confidence

Keeping track of your achievements can significantly boost your self-esteem. When you’re having a tough day or feeling down about your work, looking back at your list of accomplishments can remind you of your worth and the value you bring to the table.

2. Assists in Performance Reviews

Performance reviews can be stressful, especially if you can’t recall all the great work you’ve done over the past year. A brag list ensures you have all your achievements documented, making it easier to demonstrate your value and negotiate raises or promotions.

3. Enhances Resume and LinkedIn Profile

Regularly updating your resume and LinkedIn profile can be a daunting task. However, with a brag list, you have a ready-made list of accomplishments to pull from. This not only makes the update process easier but ensures your profiles are always current and impressive.

4. Prepares You for Interviews

Job interviews can catch you off guard with questions about your past achievements. A well-maintained brag list allows you to recall specific projects and successes quickly, helping you to articulate your experience confidently and effectively.

5. Encourages Goal Setting

A brag list isn’t just about past achievements; it also helps in setting future goals. By reviewing your past accomplishments, you can identify areas for improvement and set new objectives to strive for.

How to Create a Brag List

Creating a brag list is simple but requires consistency. Here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Choose a Format: Whether it’s a digital document, a dedicated app, or a physical notebook, choose a format that you find easy to maintain.
  2. Be Specific: Don’t just list job titles or project names. Detail what you did, the skills you used, and the impact your work had.
  3. Update Regularly: Make it a habit to update your brag list regularly. After completing a project or receiving positive feedback, jot it down.
  4. Categorize Achievements: Organize your list into categories such as coding achievements, team collaboration, leadership roles, etc. This makes it easier to find specific accomplishments when needed.

Examples of What to Include

  • Completed Projects: Describe the project, your role, the technologies used, and the outcome.
  • Awards and Recognitions: List any awards, honors, or recognitions you’ve received.
  • Courses and Certifications: Include any relevant courses or certifications you’ve completed.
  • Key Skills Developed: Highlight the new skills you’ve acquired and how you applied them.
  • Feedback and Testimonials: Add any positive feedback from colleagues, supervisors, or clients.

Conclusion: Start Your Brag List Today

In the fast-paced world of software engineering, it’s easy to overlook your accomplishments. A brag list not only helps you remember your achievements but also provides a confidence boost, aids in performance reviews, and impresses potential employers. Start your brag list today and watch how it transforms your professional life!


Q: How often should I update my brag list?

Ideally, update it every time you complete a significant task or receive positive feedback. At the very least, review and update it monthly.

Q: Can a brag list be too long?

It’s unlikely. The more detailed your list, the better. Just make sure it’s well-organized so you can easily find specific achievements when needed.

Q: Should I include team achievements on my brag list?

Absolutely! Just make sure to specify your role and contributions within the team.

Remember, a brag list is your personal record of success. It’s a powerful tool that can help you in many aspects of your career. So, why wait? Start jotting down your achievements and watch your confidence soar!

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